
Watch Chimpanzee Online

In the course of a press conference given by Professor of paleontology of the Complutense of Madrid, Juan Luis Arsuaga, on the occasion of the presentation of the exhibit Atapuerca and human evolution in the Elde Museum of Las Palmas DE Gran Canaria, reported that that envisaged in March of the year starter can see light a unique documentary on human evolution over the course of eight years by the team of researchers from the prehistoric sites in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos).

Some of the previously unpublished images of this documentary that Arsuaga intends to be baptized with the name of dawn, have been filmed in the National Park Gombe in Tanzania, a remote and inhospitable forest of 52 km2 flanked by Lake Tanganyika to the West and the decline of the Rift Valley on the eastern side.

This has been the first occasion in which Chambers of a Spanish team have been able to shoot the behavior of some of the 200 watch Chimpanzee online which survive in this reserve in the wild.

This moist and hostile jungle will be remembered for the curious of ethology as the place where the prestigious British primatologist Jane Goodall has spent more than thirty years studying watch Chimpanzee online in their natural habitat, making discoveries that have significantly altered the previous ideas that were about the behavior of these primates and its hypothetical connections with the human species.

These unexpected findings can include the observation that these animals produced and used tools, use medicinal plants adopt and care for the young orphan and even establish alliances among them. Moreover, it seems undeniable that they experience feelings of chillingly similar to a penalty, joy and anger or despair ours.

Although the media coverage has been more generous with the American Dian Fossey, whose life recounted gorillas in the mist (1988), Michael Apted, take this information to do justice with Jane Goodall recalling a magnificent documentary film, wild watch Chimpanzee online, David Lickley, originally presented in IMAX, which show us the experiences and the enormous amount of work undertaken by Jane Goodall for 4 decades investigating the behavior of watch Chimpanzee online and trying to raise sober the need to preserve the environment.

Curiously, Jane Goodall and Juan Luis Arsuaga share the privilege of having been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for science and technology, in 2003 and 2007 respectively.

So, now it is the turn to the team of Spanish researchers from Atapuerca after filming are undergoing editing and sound. It is the case of the primates of Virunga (Rwanda) or orangutans in Sumatra (Indonesia). It shall also make a detailed tour of all prehistoric sites in Africa and artistic heritage that we have bequeathed by our predecessors.